Things Are Getting Interesting
Someday, when I'm a working writer, I'll post on this blog more frequently. I promise.
Meanwhile, this just happened....
Which is very cool. Hopefully.
2012 is going to be an intriguing year.
a pro script reader ponders movies, reading, writing and the occasional personal flashback
Someday, when I'm a working writer, I'll post on this blog more frequently. I promise.
May I ask if Amazon purchased your screenplay under the contest agreement?
Not yet. They don't need to buy it until it goes into production or until the option runs out - and the option still has 12 months to run (while they can re-up the option for another 18 months for $10,000).
Still, as a writer who has still never sold anything... this is all very intriguing.
I will be curious to hear about your experiences once the dust settles.
Congratulations - I hope this kick-starts a new career for you.
Good to hear from you again ol' buddy. Don't know if you care to visit there. But some people at Carson Reeve's Scriptshaddow blogspot where talking about your success too.
VERY deserved. Glad to read that good things are happening to you.
- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA
why would you post more on here if you are a working writer? go and write your ass off now and then!
nevertheless, keep us informed! :P
CONGRATULATIONS! Seems that's what I'm doing this morning is posting congrats on everyone's blogs.
Couldn't be happier for you, Scott - you totally deserve it!
تعلن شركات العنود انها تعمل علي وفير الكثير من خدماتتنظيف خزانات في مكة المكرمة اي انهم يعملون علي توفير الكثير من خدمات الكبري التي تعمل علي توفير شركة تنظيف منازل في مكة المكرمة وهنا يمكنكم التمتع بافضل خدمات تنظيف سجاد بمكة المكرمة وهنا يعملون علي جلي سيراميك في مكة المكرمة المميزة ف خدمات تنظيف بالبخار ويعملون الان علي توفير افضل شركة مكافحة الارضة في مكة المكرمة الكبري
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