a pro script reader ponders movies, reading, writing and the occasional personal flashback

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Old Movies and Other Stuff

To celebrate its 40th anniversary, the AFI is going to show 11 classic movies at the Arclight in Hollywood, on October 3, with each movie to be introduced by one of its stars or filmmakers.

The catch is that each movie starts at 7 PM, so you can only see one. Tickets are $25 (including popcorn and soda), with proceeds going to benefit AFI. Tickets on sale tomorrow.

The 11 movies, and their presenters:

THE SOUND OF MUSIC (Julie Andrews)
BONNIE AND CLYDE (Warren Beatty)
WHEN HARRY MET SALLY... (Billy Crystal & Rob Reiner)
SPARTACUS (Kirk Douglas)
UNFORGIVEN (Clint Eastwood)
THE BIRDS (Tippi Hedron)
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (Angela Lansbury)
ROCKY (Sylvester Stallone)

I'm not sure if I'll go, or what I'd see. I guess I'm leaning towards Cuckoo's Nest.

What will/would you check out?


I've been wrasslin' with my thriller. I thought I had it pinned a few weeks ago, but it threw me again, and for a while it was giving me head noogies.

Then, over the weekend, I made a major breakthrough on the character side, spinning a single relationship backstory, which suddenly made everything click.

36 straight days of screenwriting at least an hour a day, through yesterday.


Weekend postmortum:

The Brave One came in at $13.5 million, a little low. Mr. Woodcock made $8.8 million, better than I thought, but not all that solid.

Dragon Wars only made $5 million.

Superbad made another $5 million in its fifth weekend, and has made over $111 million so far. Which is good because it's a funny movie that deserves to make money, but it's bad because now every lame raunchy teen script will be dusted off and sent around again.


At 10:18 AM, Blogger millar prescott said...

Well, If I was in town (and I won't be, but if I was) I'd probably join you for Cuckoo's Nest.

I enjoy your blog. Thanks

At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going to Rocky. Thanks for the info.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go with either Cuckoo's Nest or Bonnie and Clyde simply because they are the only two on that list I've never seen on the big screen.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Thomas Rufer said...

It's Tippi Hedren. Just a correction.

At 6:09 PM, Blogger E.C. Henry said...

Sorry but a 2,000 mile drive is just a wee bit too far for yours truly to travel to support the AFI, but I hope that those in Southern Cal. will support them.

Glad to hear your writting is going well, Scott, AND that you're making discoveries that are improving your art. At work, during breaks and at lunch I doddle out more in-depth character profiles to (hopefully) enrich the story I'm currently working on. .

As far as "Superbad" immitators go. If it wasn't THAT it would be something else. Some wannabee hacks are only capable of following the path that other "real writers" blaze. Leaders v.s. followers does help delineate between whose legit and whose not.

- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Tom said...

That's a hell of a list. I think in the end I'd go for Unforgiven, but I'd be envious of the laughs coming from When Harry Met Sally. If any of my nerd friends ask you, tell them I said Star Wars.

Now I'm thinking Spartacus. Damn you, Scott, you're making a chain of successful writing days AND you get to go to the Arclight for this...You are now my sworn enemy.

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuckoo's Nest. I would say that that show will sell out in 10 minutes, but with the Arclight's web server being as unreliable as it is, there's no telling.

That's a hell of a lineup though, Scott. I would pick Spartacus and actually sit through the whole movie again for the chance to see Kirk Douglas too. He may not be around much longer.

Thanks for the heads up.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Christian H. said...

Wow, that's a tough choice. I guess Shawshank would be good. Never saw it in theaters. But then I'm a SFX freak so to talk to Lucas would be cool.

Too bad I'm in NYC.

BTW, I guess it was a good decision to write a raunchy college to follow up a not-so-raunchy college movie.

Fart jokes FTW!

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goddammit. All of them sold out in one day.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio said...


At 10:37 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Hmmm. I think I'd see Bonnie and Clyde. I'd love to see When Harry Met Sally on a big screen, but I've seen it like 15 times now. Bonnie and Clyde? Never. Most of the others I've seen once on the small screen. What a great line up.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Stella Louise said...

I've seen all of them except Spartacus and Beauty and the Beast--and I've no desire to see either of those really. (Might Netflix Spartacus, just 'cuz...)

I'd go see Star Wars--just for the nostalgia of it.


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